Motivational Speaking
Sham's focus is on helping people and businesses strive towards excellence.
Realistic and holistic solutions to sustainability and on global environmental concerns.
Marble, Grass, and Glass
Marble, Grass, and Glass
This book delves into the lives of various East Indian indentured servants bound to British sugar plantations in the Caribbean between 1838 and 1917. During that period some 1.2 million Indians embarked into a contractual agreement to work for a specified period at those establishments. Many were lured with false promises that resulted in an atrocious system that undermined human dignity. People came under a servitude process that resulted in a system that replaced, redefined and re-invented slavery. That system determined that not all people were created equally and the establishments treated them like chattel. This reflection focuses on the country of Guyana. It progressively talks about ancestors who endured the severity of plantation life and the abuses associated with their daily lives. Those people suffered tremendous hardships. Some died while still bound to the estates leaving orphans behind. Many endured, survived and prospered. This is their story.
A Common Vision
I wrote A Common Vision with the intent that it could benefit, directly or indirectly, many people. Among other topics, it emphasizes mutual respect for all, regardless of origin, wealth, entitlement, or status. It delves into various aspects of life with special emphasis on business leadership, management, and other entities. We must realize that continuous personal and leadership improvements are critical factors for current and future success. Denying these basic factors should not be an option.
The suggestions offered here are the result of my many years ofdiverse experience during various modes of survival. I draw from experiences in a third-world country to involvements in corporate business management and a host of additional scholastic and practical life experiences.
B. Sham Moteelall
Sham Moteelall was born and grew up on a family farm in Colonial British Guiana, South America. His ancestors emigrated there from India to work on British sugar plantations. He became a science teacher, and in 1970, with two hundred dollars, he emigrated alone to the United States of America to attend college.
He is now an agronomist and soil scientist and spent over forty years working for major global corporations. Currently, he lives with his wife on their Minnesota farm, from where he manages his consulting business, LIFE Consulting LLC. His focus is on promoting a holistic approach to sustainability and on global environmental concerns. Read Sham’s Biography

LIFE Consulting
The Eyes Cannot See Themselves
LIFE means Learn Information From Experience. I focus on business issues and business management— with the intent to help business people recognize that the eyes cannot see themselves. LIFE Consulting acts as a reflection to individuals and businesses, helping them realize their full potential, strive towards excellence, and continuously improve. Read More
A guiding theme throughout Sham’s Consulting work is that “The eyes cannot see themselves,” and all employees should share in “A Common Vision” towards the success and profitability of their company. Read More